About Time to Aim for Gun Control

About Time to Aim for Gun Control


In recent weeks, a tragic school shooting in Florida, United States happened which has sparked wide spread  criticism regarding gun control.  The shooting happened Wednesday February 14th and took the lives of 17 young students and adults. The shooting, which is among the 10 deadliest mass shootings in modern US history, revived debate over gun control, while American politicians offered their condolences.


«This has been a day where we’ve seen the worst of humanity. Tomorrow is gonna bring out the best in humanity as we come together to move forward from this unspeakable tragedy,» says the school’s superintendent.


In the wake of this terrible event, students are now more than ever before demanding to have their voices heard which in return is creating an environment which fosters students to form educated opinions and create positive change. Youth in the United States have endured enough suffering and are now asking for questions and real action on gun control. This movement has spread across the nation and has even been heard in Canada, where opposite to the United States, guns are not legal.


Nevertheless, one must realize that all across the world gun control is a very controversial, complicated, and delicate subject, because it affects entire societies. However, make no mistake, gun control has been a contentious issue in the past, including in the recent U.S. presidential elections. A section of the citizenry is concerned that banning gun ownership or severely limiting the citizens’ right to use guns will be an infringement on their rights. However, the recent increase in mass shootings, specifically school shootings and assault against police officers provides a leeway for the placement of limits on gun ownership and use. In essence, one of the key reasons why gun control is necessary is the increase in shooting cases, particularly in schools. Several innocent school children have previously died due to the prevalence of a high number of guns in the hands of civilians.


One of the aspects that make gun control relatively difficult is the ability of armed civilians to intervene and stop criminals at scenes of crime. In reality, however, very few cases of intervention by civilians have been recorded in the past at scenes of crime. Mass killings continue in schools, and no one intervenes in such cases because a gunman comes with the sole intention of murder. Expecting armed civilians to respond is harder than simply placing checks that prevent the gunman from owning the gun in the first place. Many other related acts of gun violence have brought up issues on gun control. Debates have risen between citizens on how the government should establish stronger gun control laws. Despite the National Rifle Association strong objections against these issues, gun control laws must be increased. It is a contentious but necessary decision. Such a move would not only limit access to firearms hence save lives, but it will also reduce the rampant cases of mass shootings and high rates of homicides that define current society. Law enforcement agencies need to be empowered to protect civilians and civilians need to trust law enforcers to do their work.


To conclude, due to recent mass school shootings, many students are upset and are looking to have laws changed but to do so need the support of their local and national politicians. School shootings should not be a common thing and no more need to happen for society to realize that there is something wrong with the gun law system currently in place in the United States. We must acknowledge that in foreign countries, which harshly restrict gun ownership,, they have significantly lower crime rates than the U.S. In fact, the lowest gun crime rates are in Japan, Great Britain, and Canada. Something must be done in the United States and it is up to youth around the world to speak out on behalf of the hundreds of youth murdered every year due to school shootings.


My deepest condolences go out to the victims and their families of the Parkland Florida Shooting.

You will be remembered.

  Written by: Amy Spearman Canada